Hello OxfordTri Family,
I hope that this finds you well and that you have had a great week. It’s been great to see that our members attendance across sessions continues to be on the rise. A little reminder that all sessions open a week in advanced to give everyone the greatest opportunity to access them all.
I’m writing this as I head up to the Lake District for a week so it will be relatively brief but I just wanted to highlight again that as a club we would love to get more feedback from members with regards to how we are doing as a club. There is a section below about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion but we are after all forms of feedback, be that about kit, sessions, coaching, events etc.
I hope that you have a great weekend and that Black Friday hasn’t emptied those bank accounts too much! (Unless it’s on OxfordTri Kit)
XC Round 2 Cirencester Lift Share
Round 2 of the Oxfordshire Cross-Country takes place next Sunday the 3rd of December, this time we are a little more on it with regards to lift sharing and will be posting up via the Facebook group on Sunday like we for the last event. If you need a lift and are not on Facebook please contact Craig at chair@oxfordtri.co.uk and he will get you sorted out. We can’t wait to see even more members racing and there’s even been the promise of Christmas themed Sausage Rolls, Great British Bake Off watch out!

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
At OxfordTri we would love to be more informed when it comes to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Do you have a protected characteristic (Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnerships, Pregnancy and Maternity, Race, Religion, Sex, Sexual Orientation) and feel like we as a club could do more to support you or promote equity, diversity and inclusion with regards to your characteristic? If so please do contact Craig at chair@oxfordtri.co.uk

Give OxfordTri a Like/Follow
After a shout out a couple of weeks ago we’re delighted to share that Sinead is coming on board to help run the OxfordTri social media accounts but we need your help!
Are have you liked and followed our Facebook and Instagram pages?
If not it would be incredibly helpful if you could do this. Not only does this help us reach more people with our posts but it also looks great when we have even more followers and engagement when we are approaching potential future partners. The links to these are both below and also our OxfordTri Facebook Group where there is lots of information shared about what is going on as a club.
OxfordTri Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/OxfordTri
OxfordTri Instagram Page – https://www.instagram.com/oxfordtri/
Oxford Tri Members Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/oxfordtri
Meet the Committee
We Continue our meet the committee series with Sean our new lead coach, check his profile out below!

Training Calendar
See the official calendar for full info and sign up links.
Saturday 25th November: Oxford Tri Does Parkrun – Various @ 09:00
Monday 27th November: Coached Swim – Leys Pool @ 20:00
Tuesday 28th November: Member Lead Social Run – Headington Hill @ 19:00
Tuesday 28th November: Coached Spin – Oxsrad @ 19:00
Tuesday 28th November: Coached Swim – Thame Pool @ 20:00
Wednesday 29th November: Coached Swim – Radley Pool @ 19:30
Thursday 30th November: Coached Run – Horspath Track @ 19:00
Friday 1st December: Strength and Conditioning Online @ 06:30
Friday 1st December: Coached Swim – Kidlington Pool @ 19:00
Friday 1st December: Coached Spin – Iffley Sports Centre @ 19:00