Good Evening OxfordTri Family!
I hope that this finds you well. Firstly congratulations to Gregg who completed his Olympic Triathlon at the weekend in aid of PICU and to all those who supported him along the way.
It’s been a busy week for the club with a new swim location and then the resumption of two sessions which had taken a break over the summer. So for those who perhaps missed out our swim sessions look like the following:

I am thankfully back after a summer up in Leeds with work so I am looking forward to seeing you at our sessions soon. Starting with the lake this weekend. Just a little reminded that are after some help with the Safety Teams, do be thinking if you can help out.
God Bless
Member of the Month – Gregg Samuel
We are delighted to share that our Member of the Month for August is Gregg Samuel.
Gregg joined the club at the start of this year and could swim only a few lengths at a time. His commitment to showing up and his willingness to learn was highlighted by some of the coaches who have worked with him recently. It should come as no surprise that Greggs improved significantly across his run, bike and swim. All which was with the one focus of completing an Olympic Triathlon last weekend in aid of PICU.
I am delighted to share that he absolutely smashed it on Saturday and a big shout out to all of the club members that encouraged him along the way. At the time of writing this he has raised just short of £8,000 in aid of PICU which is an incredible effort.
Thank you Gregg for being such an inspiring member of our club family.

Oxford Tri AGM + Social 2023 – 19th October 2023
This a notice to all that our Annual General Meeting will take place on the 19th of October at Oxrad starting at 7pm. There will be pizza provided for all that attend with also the possibility of a trip to the near by Victoria Arms afterwards. More information will be shared about this in the coming weeks but in the mean time do be thinking if you would be able to help the club continue to grow and improve through joining our committee team.
Spirit of Belron Challenge – Lee Watson
Every year Belron (Autoglass) challenges its employees, associates, friends and family to travel as many KMs in a single week to raise money for Afrika Tikkun (
Afrika Tikkun is a South African based charity which specialises in the development and growth of children from Craddle to Career. They cover all aspects of life from basic essientials (Food, Water, Medicines) to Education & Careers.
SOBC is all about bringing people together from all across the world, and getting out there. Over the past 20 years it has raised over €20 million for Afrika Tikkun, toppping in €2.2 million last year from nearly 10,000 participants.
This year SOBC aims to beat that, and will run from 13th Sept to 23rd Sept. It is a suggested £5 donation to take part, which belron will match. Additionally for every 1KM moved (walk, run, swim, cyle, row, wheelchair etc) belron will donate another €1 to Afrika Tikkun.
It is open to all friends and family and seeing as we are an active group who regularly rack up alot of KMs in a single week, I thought id share the event, incase anyone was interested in taking part.
To join you just need to download the app (it links to strava, garmin, apple watch etc) and make a suggested £5 donation. If you wish to take part or have any questions please email Lee Watson at
Promo video for highlights from last years event.

Oxford 1/2 Marathon Aid Station
On the 15th of October it is the Oxford 1/2 Marathon. The organisers have asked us if we would be up to the challenge of running one of the aid stations. It is the same people who run Blenheim Tri whom a number of us volunteered with earlier in the year and we had a great time. We also had a great opportunity as a result of this to have a stall and help people taking part. As a club we benefit hugely from supporting these kinds of events and it’s also just a great way to give back to our local sporting community.
As mentioned we have been assigned the task of manning the aid station next to the Dragon School on Bardwell Rd. I am trying to finalise timings still but it’s probably going to be approximately 8ish till about 13:30 at the latest.
This is an amazing opportunity to get to meet other club members and to give back to our local sporting community. You can sign up using the following link –
Any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch at

Training Calendar
See the official calendar for full info and sign up links.
Saturday 9th September: Social Swim – Queenford Lake @ 08:00
Monday 11th September: Coached Swim – Leys Pool @ 20:00
Tuesday 12th September: Member Lead Social Run – Headington Hill @ 19:00
Tuesday 12th September: Coached Swim – Thame Pool @ 20:00
Wednesday 13th September: Coached Swim – Radley Pool @ 19:30
Thursday 14th September: Coached Run Session – Horspath Athletic Track @ 19:00
Thursday 14th September: Nutrition Talk – Zoom @ 19:00
Friday 15th September: Strength and Conditioning Online @ 07:15
Friday 15th September: Coached Swim – Kidlington Pool @ 20:00