Good Evening Oxford Tri Family
I hope that this finds you well and that you have managed to get out and enjoy the sun at some points this week. It has been great to seem many new faces at sessions over the past week and a big welcome to the two new members who joined this week. Welcome to the Oxford Tri Family!
I guess one final little request from me, we are trying to get better at our external communications with regards to events etc which are going on within the club. If you haven’t already and your on social media, please do follow the club page on both on Facebook and Instagram and then my request is that when there things that non members can get involved in we would love it if you would be willing to share them, or perhaps tag some of your friends who might be interested in joining. Historically we know that people often join the club as a result of an invite from a friend.
I’ll keep it short as there are several notices below, including our Burger and Beers Social at the Lake, Change to Session Sign Ups, Member of the Month for April, Oxon XC League Committee call for help and the next race of our club champs.
God Bless
Burgers and Beers at the Lake Club Social

We are excited to share that we are going to be having a Burgers and Beers Social at Queensford Lake on Wednesday the 7th of June. This will involve swimming as normal 7-8pm with the BBQ and Beers afterwards (non-alcoholic drinks will also be provided). The cost will be £10 per person and this will include a minimum of 1 burger and 2 beverages, payment will be taken on the night. We would love for friends and family to join us and on this occasion, they will be able to join in the 7-8pm swim as long as they are an adult, can swim 500m unaided, have the correct kit (Tow Float and Bright Swim Cap) and sign our disclaimer.
Please sign up using this google sheet link if you are planning on joining us. And please either sign up for your guests using this link or send them the link to fill out.
Sign Up Link –
If you have any questions about the event please email
Session Sign Up Changes
For the next month we are going to trial opening sign up for our sessions a week in advanced. This will mean that you will be able to sign up for next weeks run, swim, spin, S&C, etc well in advanced. This means that all the sessions for next week, apart from OWS on the Saturday are now open to sign up for. Our hope is that by making this change it makes it easier for you to organise your week and to make coming along to our sessions easier. We will continue to review this to see if this improves your experience as members.

Member of the Month
We realise that we are a little behind the curve on this one due to Bank Holidays, however we are delighted to share that our Member of the Month for April is Sean Nicolle. Some of you may recognise Sean from some excellent racing result over the past couple of months. In addition to this though Sean is responsible for the foundation and running of the Friday morning online Strength and Conditioning Sessions which many of our members attend and coaches across several our weekly sessions. Sean is super friendly and can often be found giving top tips to members at all different stages of their triathlon journey. Sean thank you for being such a valued member of our club.
Dorney Triathlon – Club Champs 10th June
Our next race in our Club Championships is the Dorney Standard Triathlon or Standard Aqua Bike on the 10th of June. For those who have not raced here before its fast and flat (often windy too). But it’s a great event. It is held around the rowing lake which means that there is no traffic on the bike other than your fellow competitors, however you do have to remember how many laps you have done. I have found electrical tape on my handlebars very handy for keeping track of the laps. A great race which I am sure many members will be taking part in.
Entries can be found here – : Dorney Triathlon – June (
Oxon XC call for help
Please see the following which we have been sent by the Oxon committee.
Dear OXL Member Club,
With Dene stepping down as League Manager after many years of service to the OXL the committee has assessed the work activities required to maintain the League and have identified the following roles:
- League Manager:
Overall coordination of the committee and the League - Treasurer:
Responsible for maintaining the accounts and financial transactions - Secretary:
Organising, communicating and documenting meetings - Online Communications:
Adding messaging to the website & social media - Entries & Results (2 people):
Co-ordinating entries, producing results & standings, coordinating end of season prizes & prizegiving [requires a high degree of IT literacy] - Fixture Coordinator:
Liaise with host clubs to coordinate fixture details & courses - Volunteers & Official Coordinator:
Co-ordinating officials and non-host club volunteers for each fixture
The 4 remaining committee members are willing to stand again so we’re looking for 4 people to join us.
Please email the OXL Committee if you would be interested in joining the committee, expressing which of the roles you’d like to take up.
Thank you for your attention.
OXL Committee
Training Calendar
See the official calendar for full info and sign up links.
Saturday 20th May: Social OWS – Queensford Lake @ 08:00
Monday 22nd May: Coached Swim – Abingdon Pool @ 20:30
Tuesday 23rd May: Member Lead Social Run – Headington Hill @ 19:00
Tuesday 23rd May: Coached Swim – Thame Pool @ 20:00
Wednesday 24th May: Social OWS – Queensford Lake @ 19:00
Wednesday 24th May: Coached Swim – Radley Pool @ 19:30
Thursday 25th May: Coached Run Session – Horspath Athletic Track @ 19:00
Friday 26th May: Strength and Conditioning Online @ 07:15
Friday 26th May: Coached Swim – Kidlington Pool @ 19:00