My apologies!! The links weren’t working for our Members Night so please find the updated links below.
Please Sign up for BOTH sessions IF you’re intending to join for BOTH the track session AND the social with our guest speaker afterwards.
Obviously you’re welcome to only join for one or other session, by signing up for those individually, just please don’t assume you get both by signing up for one!
Kieran is going to Lead our track session so you can experience an elite training session and then after we’ll have pizza, drinks, kit samples, a Q&A with Kieran and social. If you can make it we’d love see you!
Track Session –
Members Evening Social –

As you can see we’ve got our regular run session to kick things off starting at 7pm BUT lead by elite triathlete Kieran Lindars!! Then we have the Clubroom at the track from 8 till 9 for us to do a Q&A with Kieran, if you’re not familiar with Kieran look him up, he’s a local elite athlete based in Aylesbury and has an amazing story. Here’s his breakfast with Bob interview following his 8th place finish in Kona last year. Kieran is now the UKs fastest Ironman in Kona and the Uk’s fastest ever Ironman full stop!!
As well as Kieran – Lee Merrett will be there with some of our existing kit which we are selling at incredible prices and to showcase samples from our new kit supplier and we’ll have pizza and beverages to help you through the January blues!! We hope to see you there.